Simple Secrets to a Healthy, Longer Lasting Tan

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Posted in Accommodation @ Jan 15th 2016 5:51am - By Administrator

Your trip to the beach won’t be complete without coming home with a tanned skin. For a place like Noosa where the sun shines its brightest, you can never really get away from its radiant rays, unless decide to stay indoors. But that wouldn’t sound fun at  all, would it?

Now, before you engage in another self-tanning session for the holiday, try to keep some really simple secrets in mind so that you can sport a healthy, longer lasting sun-kissed skin:

1. Exfoliate your skin. You can grab a sponge or loofah and gently scrubbing it onto your skin to remove dead skin cells. For a more even and longer lasting tan, you might also need to remove unneccessary hair.

2. Don’t forget to use your favourite sunscreen products. Studies have revealed that people who have exposed themselves to the sun become prime candidates of skin cancer in the longterm. But going out in the sun is often inevitable. The solution nowadays is to resort to products that have SPF-technology. Don’t forget to slather on your favourite sunscreen lotion, creams, and conditioners onto your skin and hair before going out.

3. Tan moderately. Expert self-tanners believe that tanning should be done gradually. Don’t overexpose your skin to more than 20 minutes every day because you might end up nursing terrible sunburns instead of posting your picture-perfect beach selfies online.

4. Avoid makeup. You must skip applying your usual makeup, deodorants and perfumes because these contain chemicals that may have bad effects on your skin when exposed to the sun.

5. Drink lots of H20. You want to be healthy and radiant, not dry and dehydrated. Since you’ll be out more often during the holidays, don’t forget to recharge with generous amounts of water.

These tips are actually easy to follow. Don’t neglect your skin no matter what the season. Have these simple reminders handy so that you have a hassle-free vacation with your family or friends the next time you head out to the Gold Coast.

Meanwhile, if you’re bound to Noosa anytime soon, you can count on Clearwater Noosa. You can book our Noosaville Holiday Apartments via today. It’s fast and easy!


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